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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Minister of State for IT Mrs. Anusha Rahman has said that the e-office suite will be phenomenal achievement of the Ministry of IT and present government to ensure efficiency, accuracy, effectiveness and good governance. The e-office suite is the automation of core businesses of the government to bring transparency and accountability in decision making and to provide an efficient and cost effective public service to the general masses.

It will create a less paper environment and concept of digital governance will be promoted through it. The e-office suite consists of 6 modules. Initially it is being implemented in Ministry of IT, PM office, National Assembly, Secretariat, Ministry of Science and Technology, Finance Division and Planning Division. Subsequently it will be implemented in all other Federal/Divisions in a phase manner and is expected to be complete by end of year 2014.

Mrs. Anusha Rahman has said that we are organizing an e-office forum 2014 on 14thMay 2014 at Pakistan Computer Bureau (PCB) where we have invited Federal Ministers/State Ministers, Secretaries/additional Secretaries and focal persons of e-office suite from Federal government in order to bridge digital divide at Federal level by sharing various measures and good practices.

The basic purpose of this e-office forum is to discuss the different dimensions and prospects of this e-office suite. We are organizing this e-office forum 2014 under the theme “E-governance for good governance”. This forum will help us to enhance mutual cooperation and develop inter-working mechanism among all Federal Ministries/Divisions, Minister added.


Quelle/Source: Pakistan Observer, 14.05.2014

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