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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Oracle the largest enterprise software company in the world and Techaccess Pakistan, Oracle’s Certified Partners jointly held a half day seminar on the critical role of a successful E-Government.

E-Government is not just government online. A successful E-government is an extended integration of many parallel efforts including electronic-commerce and electronic-governance, which brings together strategy, technology, process and people. To succeed in this area, government organizations must successfully harness all four together. These views were discussed and elaborated upon in an interactive seminar on “Empowerment thought E-Governance” organized jointly by Oracle Corporation and Techaccess in Islamabad. The Seminar that aimed to highlight how various government departments can increase their levels of efficiency through effective deployment of modern technology and processes was attended by top government functionaries, corporate heads and other dignitaries.

Emphasizing the role of technology, the Chief Guest on the occasion Mr Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari, federal minister for IT & Telecom said, “Technology deployment at every level is the top most priority of the government. However, we are not looking at technology for the sake of technology alone. There has to be a demonstrated need and a tangible outcome. In fact if you see the E-Government projects that are in the pipeline, all are focused in making governance more effective and beneficial for the common man as well as creating transparencies in the government operations. One such project is the Land Records Management project which has been launched in Punjab. “We have offered incentives to internationally renowned IT companies to invest in Pakistan and many software companies have already shown their interest and inclination,” said Mr. Leghari

Khalid Saeed, secretary IT & Telecom said that the present government is giving immense importance to good governance, transparency and accountability. Much inroads have been made in the field of Information Technology and it would not be long when Pakistan would be considered in the same league as other countries in the region.

While welcoming the guests Samina Rizwan, Oracle Regional Manager for SAGE (South Asian Growth Economies that includes Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal) said that governance is about how citizens relate to the government as well as how they relate to each other. “Good governance must facilitate the best possible relationship between the two parties - government and citizen. A globally established business motto customer is king, needs to be translated to governance as the citizen is all important,” she said.

Ms Rizwan also pointed out that prior to the concept of E-Governance the main challenge faced by the governments was to get in connection with the citizens, to improve his/her quality of life which were formidable tasks due to lack of technology and resources.

Oracle incorporates powerful information architecture which is built on a Unified Data Model which will help Government of Pakistan transition smoothly and quickly into fully automated governance mode.

Quelle: Daily Times

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