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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) organised a seminar on SECP’s eGovernance regime in corporate registration and regulation at Lahore, April 5 2010 in collaboration with Lahore Branch Council (LBC), ICMAP.

Members of ICMAP, business community, consultants and officials from SECP attended the seminar. After the eServices launch in September 2008, such post launch seminars have already been held in various cities of the country including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Rawalpindi and Sialkot. The idea behind holding these seminars was to share and seek input from the participants, for improving and providing more enhanced features of eServices, in line with the requirements of the stakeholders, and to make it more users friendly.

On behalf of SECP, Jawed Hussain, Registrar of Companies briefed the participants on e-Services. Mr. Ibtesam Moatisim Khan, Director (MIS), made a practical demonstration of the processes in eServices.

Jawed Hussain explained to the participants that the main objective of eServices was to facilitate the corporate sector, practitioners, consultants and general public at large. Through eServices, online processing of availability of company name, incorporation of companies, filing of statutory returns and applications including change of name, conversion of status of companies etc, has been made available. To facilitate online submission, the fees for online services have been set lower as compared to manual submission.

He said, “In future, we are planning to make online submission mandatory, initially for listed companies, in the first phase this year and then for other companies, in a phased manner”. At present, offline submission is also available to the promoters and companies, simultaneously with online submission.

It was also highlighted by him that an archived version of corporate records would be made available to the internal users, providing an easy access to corporate records. SECP is also planning to make available electronic inspection of records to facilitate the public in inspecting the records/documents submitted by the companies.

Zaheeruddin Khawaja, representative from National Institute of Facilitation Technology (NIFT), explained to the participants the procedure for obtaining digital signatures. SECP has signed an agreement with NIFT for the provision of digital signatures’ certificates at the subsidised rates.

Aamer Ijaz, Secretary, LBC concluded the seminar with his remarks. Participants of the seminar appreciated the efforts of SECP on successful implementation of eServices. They also gave number of ideas, which would be helpful in further improving the eServices in line with the requirements of the end users.


Quelle/Source: Daily Times, 08.04.2010

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