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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A seminar was arranged by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP) in collaboration with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to create awareness regarding eServices project of SECP. The seminar was attended by a large number of ICMAP members, lawyers and leading consultants of Lahore. The Additional Registrar of Companies, SECP, Mr. M. Naveed Chaudhry was also present on the occasion.

Mr. Nazir Ahmed Shaheen, Executive Director, SECP, mentioned in his key note address that the idea behind such seminars is to freely discuss and seek input of various stakeholders and seek their advice for providing more up to dated and enhanced services using the electronic environment, in line with the requirements of the stakeholders. The e-Services project has been undertaken by the SECP in collaboration with E-Government Directorate (EGD) within the overall framework of National IT Policy approved by the Federal Cabinet. He further added that the main objective of introducing this mega project is the provision of online services to facilitate the corporate sector, practitioners, consultants and public at large. The project facilitates the functions of online availability of name, e-incorporation of companies and e-filing of statutory returns.

He also mentioned that the eServices project will improve efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes of SECP due to speedy and transparent paperless environment and will make it easier for the representatives of companies and the business community to interact with and obtain information from the SECP through electronic modes in a very short time. In order to ensure effective implementation of the eServices project, a secure and authentic electronic filing environment, has been created in line with the requirements of Electronic Transaction Ordinance, 2000.


Quelle/Source: Pakistan Observer, 30.10.2008

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