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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology Thursday observed that the process of computerization was not helping the general public which were still “running from pillar to post” to get their routine works done in government departments like revenue, police, hospitals, income-tax etc.

The Committee which met here at the Parliament House under theChairmanship of Senator Abdul Raziq, asked the Ministry not to “reinvent the wheel” and follow the precedence of other nations who have simplified procedures and brought in transparency and efficiency, which is directly benefiting the general public.

Unfortunately in our country, the people are still in theclutches of “Tehsildar’s and Patwari’s”, who are working with their obsolete ways and out dated methods, they observed.

In courts, it is generally observed that most of the cases are pending due to the fact that relevant records is generally not available and its procurement is hell of a job for the petitioners,observed the meeting.

“Similarly, in the hospitals, police stations, income-tax andhome departments, arms and driving licenses etc, the situation remains the same. `Manual record-keeping’ is being done, which isthe root cause of all problems,” said the meeting.

The Senate body asked the Ministry of Information Technologyto help various government departments and agencies develop their own need based software for its specific use to ease the workload and to promote efficiency.

`What has complicated the things further is the fact that there seems to be no coordination between the Federal Government and Provinces in this regard,” it added.

The Senate Committee deplored that the E-Government, which isa universalized concept everywhere, appears to be a distant dream in this country.

It said that a good deal of duplication of work is beingcarried out, as various Federal and Provincial Departments are working in isolation, different people and departments are doingsame things at the same time, but without the knowledge of one and other.

This is resulting in wastage of time and resources. The Committee suggested that the Senate Body (i.e. Committee on Information Technology) could serve as a `Coordinating Council’ to achieve the objective. The Committee also took serious note of continuous large scale proliferation of undocumented SIMs of mobile phones in the country, which are posing a serious threat to our national security and social harmony.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Asim Hussain

Quelle/Source: The Daily Mail, 18.07.2008

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