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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Sindh Adviser on Information, Noman Sehgal, on Monday inaugurated an e-government pilot project titled ‘E-office’, linking five departments of the Sindh government through information technology (IT) at a ceremony held at a local hotel.

Speaking on the occasion, Noman Sehgal said that initially, five Sindh government’s departments including Education, Health, Planning and Development and Services and General Administration were being linked through e-office system software.

He said that through e-office software, prepared by the provincial IT department, now all files could be prepared on computers and their noting, movement and tracking could also be done electronically.

‘Initially, the e-office system would work parallel with the tradition filing system but later on, the new system would replace the tradition filing system in a phase-wise manner,’ he said adding that the new system would improve efficiency of the provincial departments.

Quelle/Source: The News, 27.02.2007

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