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Thursday, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

700 million users will meet with you today”, said the minister of the administration of the cyberspace of China, Lu Vey, at the beginning of the working meeting with deputy Prime Minister Rumiana Bachvarova. It took place at the Ministry of the administration of the cyberspace in Beijing.

Deputy Prime Minister Bachvarova and Minister Lu discussed the development of the e-government. The Bulgarian Deputy PM underlined that one of the challenges for all governments are the fast temps of development of the internet space which outrun the development of the e-government. “With you, like with the colleagues from EU and the USA, we have agreed that there is a necessity of centralization of the processes related to e-government in order to improve the services provided to the citizens and the business, as well as the functioning of the administration itself,“ emphasized Minister Bachvarova.

They discussed also the security and protection in cyberspace as a key factor for the development of the e-government. Minister Ly defined as a priority in his work the standardization and modernization of the Internet space and e-business. He introduced the program Internet Plus to the Bulgarian delegation. It envisions the integration of all mobile and internet platforms for promotion of e-commerce, internet banking, strengthening of the international presence of the internet companies, production of equipment, new technologies.

During the visit in Beijing Deputy Prime Minister Bachvarova had working meetings with the minister of culture Luo Shugan. He expressed the desire of the Chinese side for a closer cooperation in the field of culture, education, science and innovation, during the working visit of the Deputy Prime Minister in Beijing. The two of them discussed the possibilities for cooperation between the European and South Asian cultural capitals as well as the promotion of cultural and historical tourism between Bulgaria and China. They discussed the forthcoming opening of cultural centers in both capitals. The Deputy Prime Minister Bachvarova gave a high assessment of the work for promoting the Chinese culture and language in the Confucius Institute, opened a couple of months ago in Sofia by the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov. The Deputy Prime Minister and minister Luo emphasized the importance of the format 16+1 for the successful cooperation between China and countries form Central and Eastern Europe. During the visit of the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov in China in November 2015 an agreement for cooperation in the field of education was signed. Minister Bachvarova expressed gratitude for the additional 52 scholarships in the framework of the cooperation under 16+1 for Bulgarian students to study in China.


Quelle/Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, 14.03.2016

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