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Thursday, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Seven new electronic services of the Customs Agency are available to economic operators. Through the platform, the Unified portal for access to administrative services, operators can submit a request for service to a specific office.

The following electronic services are now available to businesses and individuals through the portal:

  • Authorization of use of the ‘comprehensive guarantee’ or ‘guarantee waiver’ relating to goods in transit;
  • Issuance of a certificate of approval;
  • Authorization to use simplified procedures;
  • Authorization for granting the status of "approved exporters" within the rules of origin for preferential trade arrangements with third countries;
  • Request for customs control outside office hours and / or outside the office;
  • Requests for research and laboratory investigations and preparation of expert opinions;
  • Authorization of granting the status of ‘authorized consignee’ in transit procedures.

For more information, please visit the Bulgarian Unified portal for access to administrative services.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 07.03.2014

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