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Thursday, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
On 16 February 2013, the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski stated that in less than a year a project has created the basis of several eGovernment services.

During a press conference held in Borovets (a mountain resort close to the country’s capital), the Minister presented the activities of the project entitled 'Improving administrative customer service by building central eGovernment systems’. The project is worth about BGN 12 million (approx. €6 million) and it is funded by the European Union’s Operational Programme for the ‘Administrative Capacity’ (OPAC).

He said that "from now on municipalities and ministries should make more efforts to offer electronic services." He also added that the direct effects of these services are time and money savings, and the indirect ones are that the management can deal with corruption and falsification of documents. "In the next programming period significant funding opportunities for eGovernment in sectors such as health, education and justice are expected to be announced," said Mr Moskovski.

The Deputy Minister, Mr Valeri Borisov said that the project has created one of the most important systems to start the eGovernance action. Among the most important uses of electronic services are electronic identity and online public consultation. Among the project results that are expected to bring significant developments are those relating to the work of public administration and systems for secure storage.

In this regard, Mr Borisov gave an example of each public administration having an ID card that contains a PIN. Some users make use of the electronic signature online. However, Mr Borisov noted that the electronic identity should not contain any personal data and that only the issuing authority should have them. He added that this way the card is very secure as the code information is kept only by the public institution that issues the card, and only the owner of the card knows the PIN.

Another important result of the project is the online referendum, which is part of the government eServices portal. It allows everyone's voice to be heard and influence the decision-making process. Through this system, citizens, businesses, non-governmental organisations as well as experts in public institutions may actually cooperate in formulating and developing policies and laws.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 11.03.2013

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