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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Minister for Telecommunications and Information Society Jasna Matic today stated that the first government e-session was held in perfect order and without any technical difficulties.

Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic said that today’s government session will not only be remembered as the first electronic session, but also as a session that helped Serbia join other countries that have functioned like that for some time now.

During the part of the session open to the media Cvetkovic said that apart from helping Serbia to join the ‘family of electronic countries’, it will also help to make huge savings in paper and time.

The Prime Minister said that apart from government sessions, government committees will also function in this way.

He congratulated the project leader, Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society Jasna Matic, on their achievement.

The Ministers adopted three agenda items, thus demonstrating to media representatives how the system works.

Minister for Telecommunications and Information Society Jasna Matic today stated that the first government e-session was held in perfect order and without any technical difficulties.

Matic addressed a press conference following the session and recalled that the e-government project, for which companies ComTrade and Telekom Srbija were engaged, was financed from the National Investment Plan with RSD 27 million, that is, RSD 31 million with VAT.

She announced that next week all ministers will receive mobile phones to which session agendas will be forwarded and through which they will be able to access the items on their agenda.

Until now around 500,000 sheets of paper were printed for each session and ten cartridges for printers were used, the Minister said, adding that the costs of introducing e-government will be paid off in less than a year.

She said that a small portion of documents will nevertheless still be printed, namely confidential documents whose use in electronic form is complicated due to safety reasons.

Matic said that the regulation should enter parliamentary procedure already tomorrow and added that this law together with the Law on electronic signatures will shorten all procedures in public administration and increase their transparency.

Matic announced that the next step is to introduce the electronic system into the judiciary and other parliamentary organs in order to increase their efficiency and cut state costs.

This will make procedures much more transparent and the opportunity for corruption will be decreased, she concluded.

The Serbian government at its first e-session held today adopted the Bill on Environmental Protection Fund and the Bill confirming the Agreement between Serbia and Denmark on double taxation avoidance.

The ministers adopted a Conclusion on the EAR’s loan for Corridor 10 to the amount of €150 million as well as a Conclusion accepting the Report from negotiations with EIB in relation to the agreement between EIB and Elektromreza Srbije worth €24.5 million and the Agreement on a guarantee between Serbia and EIB.

The government adopted the report on talks with the European Investment Bank and the closing of the financial arrangement “Loan for Municipal and Regional Infrastructure”, worth €75 million.

It also adopted amendments to the prices of various medicines for human use, thus creating conditions for new drugs to be sold on the Serbian market.


Quelle/Source: emportal, 12.06.2009

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