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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Brunei's determined efforts to reach a speedy realisation of an eGovernment system received a further impetus yesterday with the signing of a contract worth over B$23.5 million for a project known as PMOnet that will connect all government agencies with centralized management of common facilities.

This state of the art project will enable a seamless integration and collaboration across government agencies towards a more efficient and effective service delivery to the nation. This is the second main eGovernment programme initiative after the Treasury Accounting Financial System (TAFIS), which was launched earlier.

The contract signed yesterday at the Indera Kayangam ballroom of the Empire Hotel and Country Club, was between the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang DiPertuan of Brunei Darussalam and Syabas Technologies.

According to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office the agreement is for the "Supply, Delivery, Installation, Development, Testing and Commissioning of the Enterprise Data and Network Center, Network Infrastructure and Services including the Operations and Management Data and Network Center for the Prime Minister's Office".

The Guest of Honour at the signing ceremony was the Minister of Communications, Pehin Dato Hj Awg Zakaria Datu Mahawangsa Hj Sulaiman, who is also the chairman of the Brunei Information Technology Council (BIT Council).

Dato Paduka Awg Hj Hazair Hj Abdullah, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office signed on behalf of His Majesty's Government, while CEO Syabas Technologies Sheikh Abbas Sheikh Mohamad signed on behalf of the company.

The $23.5 million project, is also known as PMOnet and will also include the change management programme, training packages and addressing the transfer of technology and know how to the Prime Minister's Office,

The Enterprise Data Center (EDC), which constitutes one of the major components of PMOnet which plays a vital role in the Prime Minister's Office efforts in establishing a service delivery infrastructure to facilitate the effective dissemination of information and services electronically within the departments under the Prime minister's Office.

EDC will serve as Prime Minister's Office single gateway to the public network (Internet), sharing a common security features in preventing any malicious attacks and unauthorized access to the ministry-wide network.

It will be operated and managed by adequate technical resources with relevant experience and expertise, ensuring high availability of services on a 24hours X 7 days basis.

Services to be incorporated in the EDC are the Collaborative e-Office (CEO), Enterprise Service Portal (ESP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), which will contribute to and facilitate the Prime Minister's Office effort to be a more customer-oriented organization.

The ESP will enable public to access information and services being offered.

Including the hosting of government websites, which are currently being hosted by the Telecommunications Department.

What is also interesting is that the CRM system will help the Prime Minister's Office to identify and monitor all applications, grievances and actions a taken by relevant agencies.

The CEO will create an environment to enable collaboration and communication across agencies in delivering their services with improved productivity and performance through the use of e-mail

Syabas technologies in partnership with IBM will work together with the Prime Minister's Office to deliver the proposed Enterprise Data and Network Center, Network Infrastructure and Services, which includes the operations and management of the Data and Network Center.

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 23.12.2003

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