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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In line with one of the top priorities of the e-Government Strategic Plan of 2009-2014, Brunei has reached another remarkable milestone in its drive towards achieving the national e-government initiative by joining venture with the Republic of Korea.

The signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS), Republic of Korea, on cooperation in the area of e-Government was held at the Empire Hotel and Country Club yesterday morning.

In his welcoming address, Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT and e-Government) at the Prime Minister's Office Abdul Mutalib bin POKSS Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yusof said "One of our top priorities now is to address the challenges of ICT skills not only in the specialised skills of 400 IT personnel of the e-Government National Centre (EGNC), to manage and support e-Government projects, but also in basic skills of end-users within the civil service."

He went on to say that the signing of the MoU is a timely response to capacity building towards achieving the national target of delivering at least 100 online services using various channels of delivery by the year 2014.

"With currently at least 10 services per ministry already identified and prioritised to be made available online from now until 2014, we aim to achieve this not only through strong collaboration within ministries and the industry, but also through collaborative efforts with international organisations and best practice model countries like Korea, among others," Abdul Mutalib said.

Korea ranked number one in the 2010 UN e-Government survey and it has since became a benchmark for other countries, including Brunei.

Meanwhile, in his speech, Kang Jung Hyup, Assistant Minister/ Cio, Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Republic of Korea, expressed his support of and gratification over the joint effort between the two countries towards the development of e-Government initiative.

"By combining the advanced technology of Korea and the rich resources of Brunei, a synergy can be created to ignite more opportunities for future development. I believe this is a very important step forward in building a solid foundation not only for e-Govemment cooperation, but also other economic, cultural and social cooperation between our two countries in the future," he said.

The guest of honour and witness at the ceremony was Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Paduka Awg Haji Mohammad Yasmin bin Haji Umar, the Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister's Office cum Chairman of e-Government Leadership Forum (ELGF).

Also present was Park II, Counsellor and Charge d'Affaires (Acting Ambassador) of Korean Embassy of the Korea to Brunei Daussalam.

Signing on behalf of the Brunei government was Abdul Mutalib bin POKSS Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yusof, who is also the Overall Government Chief Information Officer (CIO) in Brunei.

Meanwhile Korea was represented by Kang Jung Hyup, Assitant Minister/CIO of Ministry of Public Administration and Security.

Other attendees present to wimess the event were permanent secretaries, deputy permanent secretaries at the Prime Ministers' Office, e-Government Leadership forum (EGLF) members, chief information officers, chief technical officers, Republic of Korea delegates and embassy delegates.

The MoU aims to establish a general framework for cooperation in the field of e-Government, explore opportunities and to sustain and foster the e-Government capabilities in areas of common interest and in accordance with the country's respective roles and competencies.

This milestone does not only pave the way for cooperative activities between the two countries such as joint studies and workshops on e-Government, but it also allows the establishment of countermeasures to lessen any unfavourable effects of e-Government, for instance the provision of support for the establishment of information security policy and technology.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Farah Ahmadnawi

Quelle/Source: Bru Direct, 08.08.2010

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