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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As Part of a series of roadshows to promote awareness on the e-Government Strategic Plan 2009-2014, the E-Government National Centre (EGNC) made a stop at the Ministry of Development yesterday.

The roadshow was seen as a practical way to introduce the e-Government Strategic Plan 2009-2014, the roles of ministries and the role of EGNC in ensuring the successful implementation of the e-Government initiatives.

In her opening remarks, Hjh Rosita binti Abdullah, Acting Head of Science and Technology, Research and International Division cum Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the MoD, said that stakeholders - which also include the public, businesses and the civil service - play a major role in the success of e-Government initiatives.

She added that the Ministry of Development and the departments under it have already implemented e-Government projects such as, among others, the Integrated Billing System (eBis), Housing Development System (eSikap) and e-Development Application Status (eDas).

The projects are in line with the e-Government mission of modernising the civil service by way of delivering government services efficiently and effectively though the use of ICT.

The roadshow continued with a presentation by Hj Azhar bin Hj Ahmad, who touched upon this year's e-Government Plan and priorities on e-Government projects, some of which will be classified as 'flagship projects'.

Attendees later toured a mini e-Government exhibition, which also received a visit from the Minister of Development, Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Suyoi bin Hj Osman.

The roadshow was also attended by the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Development, Awg Hj Mohd Rozan bin Dato Paduka Hj Md Yunos; Acting Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Development, Awg Hj Mohd Zin bin Hj Salleh; Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, Abdul Mutalib bin POKSS Dato Paduka Hj Yusof; as well as officers and staff of the Ministry of Development and the departments under it.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Siti Hajar

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 25.06.2010

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