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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Performance management could mean the difference to the success of an e-government project, as it assesses a project from start to finish on its effectiveness and its relevancy to the nature of the organisation implementing the project, a senior official from Korea's National Information Society Agency (NIA) said recently.

Dr Cheung-Moon Cho, executive principal of NIA's Global Planning and Consulting Department in an interview said that e-governance needed more than just evaluation of the outcomes of a project.

He said that performance management had to be carried out, from even before a project is introduced.

"We have to not only develop the project implementation plan, we have to also develop the performance management plan," he told The Brunei Times.

"When you have a proper performance management plan, you will immediately be more efficient and more effectively achieve your goal. If you don't have a proper management plan, the chance is very high that the project will Fail or it will not produce what you want to achieve," he added.

Dr Cho highlighted that projects should also reflect the mission and vision of an organisation, and not simply designed and implemented to fulfil a purpose without having a strong connection to the role of that organisation. He explained that performance management could also ensure that projects conveyed the nature of the organisation implementing it.

"It's a more broad perspective, not only focusing on the project itself," he said.

However, when developing performance management tools, indicators also had to be developed to measure the performance of particular project. He acknowledged that it would be difficult to come up with a full set of indicators from the beginning, and thus, suggested that organisations start with simple indicators, which again, reflected the vision and mission of the organisation.

"But this is still the infant stage of performance management, but when you grow, you can develop the full-pledged. mature performance management plan. Anyhow you have to start with simple performance management first," Dr Cho said.

Acting Director of the e-Government National Centre (EGNC) Hj Mariah Hj Mohd Taha said that performance management has been practiced in Brunei. "The ministries and departments have to put in place their performance (management) vehicle because that is a requirement in their (e-government) project proposal," she assured.

"After they complete their implementation (of the project), which may take about two years, then we do a post-implementation review. That's when we go back to them and check with them on their performance indicators, whether they have achieved whatever they have set out for in the first place," she said.

Hjh Mariah said that the EGNC has already conducted a post-implementation review once last year, while adding that it is carried out every year but the performance indicators were only checked after implementation.


Autor(en)/Author(s): UbaidIllah Masli

Quelle/Source: Bru Direct, 15.05.2010

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