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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Indian information technology (IT) executives see the potential for Brunei Darussalam to become a key participant in the Southeast Asian market for IT-enabled services.

A panel discussion yesterday on "India-Brunei ICT Scope and Potential for Cooperation" took up the prospect of Brunei benefitting from the expertise and technical nous of India's IT sector. This, the panel discussants said, could help the Sultanate inch close to becoming an ICT (information and communication technology) hub in the region.

The panel discussion hosted the Indian High Commission in Brunei was attended by six ICT experts to discuss the possible areas of collaboration on the ICT sector with India. Indian High Commissioner Riewad V Wajri led the discussions held at the Orchid Garden Hotel. Others in the panel included representatives from various ICT agencies in Brunei, such as the Authority for Info-communications Technology (AiTi), E-Government National Centre, Infocom Federation Brunei, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) and Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP). On India's side were representatives from Mumbai-based ICT solutions company Trigyn Technologies.

The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Communications, Hj Alaihuddin POKDG Hj Mohd said that the panel discussion signified the commitment from both nations in fostering and strengthening relationships and cooperations in ICT. R Ganapathi, executive director of Trigyn Technologies, told The Brunei Times that Brunei offers the best potential for joint cooperation with India in addressing the needs of e-governance solutions in the emerging economies of Southeast Asia.

"Brunei has the human capital (high literacy rate), good training facilities as well as material resources, and it is strategically located in Southeast Asia. "With the skill set of people in Brunei and our own expertise coupled with the technology that we have in India, we can work together and bundle our capabilities, and thus Brunei can emerge as a major hub in the IT-enabled services in this region."


Autor(en)/Author(s): AI-Haadi Abu Bakar

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 30.01.2010

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