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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Changes must be made in the ways civil servants think and work to ensure that the public service is efficient and continues to play an important role in the country's development, said the permanent secretary at the Prime Ministers Office yesterday.

It is the responsibility of every civil servant to deliver quality services through an administration that is just, clean and efficient, processes that have been made easier, as well as counter services which require employees to be courteous and friendly to customers, said Sa Bali Abas during the prize presentation ceremony of an essay writing competition at the Civil Service Institute.

He said that changes in the public service must steer towards the direction of raising productivity, possess proper work ethics, change the attitude of officers, and introduce programmes to improve procedures and systems to meet current challenges.

"In other words, excellence in the civil service cannot be achieved with words only, but requires every individual to be committed to realise it," he said.

The permanent secretary said that active efforts should be taken to accomplish excellence and a work culture that prioritises quality in the public service.

For example, the administration and management system should be scrutinised to make procedures easier and deliver quick and quality services to the public, such as through e-government initiatives, he explained.

"What is important is take follow-up and follow-through actions to be certain that excellence and quality have been realised," said Sa Bali, adding that this requires the commitment of managers and other leaders in the respective organisations.

In addition, he said that essay writing is one of the methods which can serve as a platform for civil servants and the public to contribute their ideas towards the improvement of the civil service's management, by taking into account the views and criticisms of others.

He said that the competition, organised by the Civil Service Institute, fosters a culture that encourages innovation, where new ideas are introduced and can contribute to the improvement of productivity if used in the public service.

The substance of the writings can influence and bring up certain public issues, thus the need for writers to ensure that their ideas are expressed coherently, easy to understand and assess, he said.

Sa Bali further said that writers' work must be based on research that covers policy aspects, rules and regulations, management and technical matters that can provide pointers on plans that have. are and would be carried out in the organisation.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Shareen Han

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 24.11.2009

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