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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Brunei Darussalam is well positioned for future ICT developments over the next five years given the fact that the Sultanate was positioned 731d globally on the UN based e-readiness ranking in 2005.

Brunei in comparison to many of the Commonwealth nations and countries around the region has significantly made major inroads to ensure the availability of ICT for all citizens and is focussed on attaining a high level of broadband connectivity.

This observation was made by the Director of Programmes & Business Development of Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisations, Mr Bashir Patel, during the launching of the 2"d Annual Asia-Pacific e-Government Forum yesterday.

It is interesting to note that the penetration of high-speed broadband Internet access among households in Brunei was less than three per cent in 2007.

Out of this figure of 'connected' households, 90 per cent of them were surfing the Internet at speeds of 512 Kbps (kilobytes per second), while the rest of them were connected at speeds of one Mbps (megabit per second).

Today, the Ministry of Communications is setting a more aggressive target to 'connect' at least 60 per cent of the population by 2015, according to Mr Patel.

Mr Patel noted that the Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Communications and other stakeholders have put forward the 3rd Five-Year Citizen-Centric-Government Strategic Plan (2009-2014).

Among the key areas of this strategic plan are: Enhancing IT skills/ human capacity development; Improving governance policies and management processes; Ensuring systems and applications are safe and secure; Establishing a single integrated 'one government' e-Services platform; and, Delivering integrated, accessible and easy-to-use e-Services.

Based on the national broadband blueprint, it is clear that the Ministry of Communications has made it a priority to ensure that there is broadband connectivity and accessibility for all, be it large or small enterprises or the general public, he said.

Coupled with the implementation of the national broadband backbone and e-Govt Strategy Action Plan, the Brunei Government has laid a solid foundation in realising the vision towards an information society in Brunei, Mr Patel said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Azlan Othman

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direc, 18.08.2009

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