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Thursday, 3.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, Dam Seri Paduka Awg Hj Mohd Eussof Agaki, said public servants should be committed to managing and implementing any projects that aim to modernise the civil service.

Every public servant should nurture the attitude of accountability and be aware of the latest developments.

They should be ready to implement the changes so that the public service is relevant and meets the expectations of the consumers and the public.

This was highlighted at the Quality Control Circle or Kumpulan Kerja Cemerlang (KKC) competition of the Prime Minister's Office yesterday at the Legislative Council Building near the capital. Also present was YAM Pengiran Anak Khairul Khalil bin Pengiran Syed Hj Jaafari.

There was no first place winner in the KKC competition.

The second place was shared by the State Judiciary Department (Syariah) and the Prime Minister's Office, while the third place went to the Audit Department.

The Deputy Minister said every civil servant should be aware of the needs of customers, private sector, nongovernmental organisations and the public who have high expectations of the government as the catalyst for the country's development.

He noted that the Quality Control Circle (KKC) assists the implementation of the e-government initiative in the modernisation of the civil service.

It is the hoped that the workforce under the Prime Minister's Office could strive to enhance the performance and implementation technique of the KKC.

He added KKC should also widen its scope by identifying the topics or issues which make it relevant and appropriate in line with the rapid advancement in technology.

KKC could be used to explore weaknesses in the work process, application procedures or daily work practices so that the outcome of KKC could be shared to benefit the e-government initiatives.

Heads of department were urged to be more active and give support not only to the establishment and participation of KKC groups, but also to make use of the outcome of the KKC in their department.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Azlan Othman

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 14.06.2009

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