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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In support of e-governance initiatives, officials from various ministries yesterday attended a seminar presented by TechnoNet Sdn Bhd, entitled "Triple 'R' of Electronic Forms: Re-Imagining, Re-Inventing, Re-Engineering".

Present as the guest of honour was Pehin Orang Kaya Hamzah Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Hj Abdullah Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Bakar.

The seminar was conducted in three sections, namely "Re-imagining and re-inventing the government using e-Forms" and "Return on investment using e-forms", conveyed by Leon Chua and "Business process re-engineering using e-Forms" presented by Ng Wei Ping, both representatives from TechnoNet.

The briefings discussed issues such as the structuring and process of integrating digital and paper formats, and methods to ensure multi-level communication with users and the service providers at the same time.

The seminar mainly highlighted the benefits of process enhancement whereby it could potentially cut down processing time, and improve accuracy and efficiency.

The outcomes of effective e-governance include the creation of e-forms for internal use, the replacement of fax and email transactions as well as providing citizen portal access and efficient inter-departmental workflows.

Pg Abd Ghani Pg Metusin, managing director and CEO of TechoNet, highlighted in his keynote address the importance of effective use of current technology.

"The use of technology alone does not necessarily equal progress, but rather it is the effective and proper use of current technology which will prove to be an important asset in any organisation" he said.

The Minister of Development mentioned in his speech that a wide range of government strategies currently exist to improve the efficiency of the government workforce in terms of information technology.

TechnoNet is an ICT solutions provider specialising in quality and cost-effective information management systems and information technology solutions. Apart from continuously looking for ways to improve on its ICT offerings and to deliver superior e-government solutions it has expertise in the field of document management, which aims to accelerate administrative or business processes by streamlining the stages of document dissemination and retrieval whilst improving overall logistics.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Sobrina Rosli

Quelle/Source: The Brunei Times, 08.07.2007

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