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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In an effort to encourage and promote the development and expansion of ICT including advancing skills and knowledge of manpower in Brunei, the Authority for Info-communication Technology Industry Brunei (AiTi) is embarking on a long-term InfoComm Competency Training Programme that will support e-Government initiatives and boost SME's ICT skills.

Deputy Minister of Communications, Dato Paduka Hj Mohd Yussof, said this in his speech during the recent SAP IT seminar, and added that the development of human resources in IT related fields is one of the many areas that needs to be pursued by the nation.

Having the right IT literate workforce would boost capacity and competitiveness in meeting the globalisation challenges, said the minister, adding that he hopes to see significant growth in local talent and certified ICT consultants with the AiTi InfoComm Competency Training Programme.

"The competency programme hopes to provide local talents with employment opportunities to meet high demand locally and globally. This will nurture a strong human capital resource, which in the long-term will-attract more foreign investments into the country," the minister said. Meanwhile, AiTi added the primary objectives of the programme are to develop and upgrade ICT skills of government staff and boost knowledge in implementing and executing the e-Government scheme.

It also aims to develop and upgrade ICT skills and knowledge of SME employees to help them gain a competitive advantage; to empower unemployed workers with ICT skills and knowledge to become more marketable and match market demand; as well as to fulfil the need for better ICT standards in SMEs with high quality ICT training programmes.

The programme also hopes to identify potential local ICT experts that are equipped with the confidence and skills necessary to contribute effectively to society. AiTi's InfoComm Competency Training Programme will focus on developing both technical and interpersonal ICT skills relevant in various sectors to produce an ICT skilled workforce that fosters a viable business environment conducive to sustainable industrial growth and development.

AiTi will be conducting a pilot training project that focuses on SME employees at all levels. The project includes an ICT literacy programme, ICT competency programme, c-business knowledge and employment transformation. Under this pilot project, only a limited number of SME employees will be trained.

Representatives of ICT training companies and institutions are welcome to the pilot project briefing on Wednesday, November 29. For registration contact 2323232 by November 27.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Azlan Othman

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 24.11.2006

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