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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government has launched the eSkills Malta Foundation, which has brought together various government bodies and the Chamber of Commerce to create the skills base and life-long quality growth required for a digitally enabled knowledge economy.

Edward Zammit Lewis, Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth, explained how eSkills were important for Malta to have a thriving digital economy.

“For Malta to be amongst the most innovative and competitive countries, we need to nurture a strong and adequate work force equipped with the right digital skills,” he said.

The eSkills Malta Foundation groups Government representatives from the education sector and MITA together with Malta Enterprise, Malta Communications Authority, the Lotteries and Gaming Authority, the Employment and Training Corporation and the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry.

The foundation’s mandate is:

  1. to advise the Government and stakeholders on matters related to eSkills policy;

  2. to contribute to the expansion of ICT educational programmes and related formative initiatives;

  3. to lead an ICT professionalism development programme;

  4. to instigate further reform in the ICT educational offerings and contribute to capacity-building in the ICT education community; and

  5. to champion campaigns and promote the Maltese eSkills potential locally and internationally.

Education Minister Evarist Bartolo said that IT skills were crucial in both one’s education as well as in employment. “The courses available today do not necessary cover the skills required for the careers of tomorrow. We must appreciate that the rhythm of changes in technology is much faster and changes are much easier to implement than in education. Changing syllabi, courses and pedagogy is more complex. This is why we need to ensure a stronger interaction between what happens in education and training and what happens in the real world workplace,” he said.


Quelle/Source: Times of Malta, 13.02.2014

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