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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
An increasing number of Maltese are making use of the internet not only to purchase and sell goods and services but also to avail themselves of the services provided by Government online putting Malta at par or better than the EU average.

Surveys carried out by the Malta Communications Authority and Eurostat show that eCommerce activity has steadily improved, especially as more people make regular use of the Internet.

A good part of eCommerce activity in Malta is registered with sellers from other EU countries. This is re-confirmed by Eurostat, which reports that Maltese are more prone to ordering goods and services online from other EU countries, when compared to other EU citizens. In this regard, Malta’s rate in 2011 stood at 37.8% compared to an EU average of 9.6%.

The number of Maltese selling goods or services online is also on the increase. Eurostat reports that the number increased from 3.9% in 2009 (compared to an EU average of 10.2%) to 20.8% in 2011, which is above the EU average of 16.7%.

The increase in the number of Maltese making online purchases is confirmed by figures published by Eurostat. In fact, Eurostat reports that around 38% of individuals (aged between 16 and 74 years) living in Malta in 2010 have ordered goods and services over the Internet. This figure increased to approximately 45% in 2011. For the first time, this figure has surpassed the EU average of 42.7%.

Malta’s performance has also improved in terms of enterprises (employing 10 or more persons) purchasing and selling goods and services online. In both instances, Malta’s performance benchmarks above the EU average. In 2011, the percentage of Maltese enterprises purchasing and selling online stood at 22.4% and 15.8% respectively. The corresponding EU rates stood at 19.1% and 13% respectively.

Eurostat also reports that the percentage of the Maltese population interacting online with public authorities has been increasing over the last few years, especially in view of more eGovernment services being made available to citizens. Malta can be regarded as one of the front runners in providing eGovernment services, as all basic public services for citizens and enterprises are now available online.

However, the percentage of Maltese population making use of eGovernment services in 2011 stood at 37.3%, below the EU average of 41%. Malta’s performance outperforms the EU average when taking into consideration the percentage of local enterprises making use of eGovernment services. In 2011, Malta’s figure stood at 89.2%, compared to an EU average of 83.8%.


Quelle/Source: di-ve, 05.06.2012

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