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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Portal Management Unit (PMU) within the Central Information Management Unit (CIMU) at the Office of the Prime Minister is launching the revamped portal website at and a monthly e-Newsletter via the same website tomorrow. The portal website was originally launched on 17 May 2002 by Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami and Dr Austin Gatt, who is now the minister for information technology and investment.

The website is very popular with both the Maltese and foreigners. It received eight million hits in July and registered a record 129,000 online transactions in the same month.

Since the launch, hundreds of visitors have sent emails with feedback and comments about the portal website. These emails demonstrate the genuine interest shown in the portal and PMU officials have followed many of the suggestions to enhance the portal website.

Also, several links to newly-launched electronic services were added in the portal website and regular updates in the “What’s New” section will keep the public informed about the latest developments in the e-Government and ICT arena.

Websites need to be kept fresh so they remain appealing, and it is for this reason that has been modernised.

Besides the new look, a monthly e-Newsletter service is being launched via the same website. Thanks to the e-Newsletter, the public will be kept informed not only of what is happening in the e-Government and ICT arena, but also beyond. The team has decided not to concentrate on only one topic, for example e-Government, but the articles in the e-Newsletter will be dealing with different issues and government news.

There is more than one method to subscribe to the e-Newsletter. You can go to, click on the banner on the left-hand side which is entitled “ e-Newsletter”, and fill in the online application form so that you will start receiving a notification of the e-Newsletter via email each month.

Or else just click on the link and fill in the online subscription form at:

The e-Newsletter team is looking for the public’s interest and participation in helping ensure that the articles published address the public’s interests and tastes and so they would like to receive feedback and suggestions on what can be added in the e-Newsletter.

Any feedback can be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and based on the suggestions, the e-Newsletter will respond more to the public’s taste.

There are also plans to further upgrade the website in the future and will be making use of the registration and authentication function which the government will be launching.

Quelle: Malta Independent

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