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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Two extensive online surveys recently conducted by the Malta Information Technology Agency have revealed that almost 9 out of 10 people are satisfied with the level of service they receive when using local eGovernment services.

The “eGovernment General Survey” and the “eGovernment User Satisfactions” were carried out online during 2010. Survey results show that more than half of the respondents (54%) use the internet to communicate with the Government, whilst 55% make use of eGovernment services.

The survey also found that 76% believe that through eGovernment it has became easier for them to carry out mandatory tasks online, such as paying taxes or renewing driving licenses. 63% also said that the online service has provided them with a better quality of service from the over-the-counter alternative.

The positive survey findings come in light of the recent European Union results which placed Malta as the leader in eGovernment services across Europe, which continues to prove Government’s commitment towards a strong inclusive eGovernment strategy.

Mr. Claudio Grech, MITA Chairman, said that, “Although statistics show that slightly more than half of the population use eGovernment, we still need to drive more people towards this delivery channel.” There are currently more than 90 eGovernment services online from a variety of Ministries and departments. “Through our new eGovernment Platform we plan that by the end of 2012 we will have each and every single Government service available online,” added Mr. Grech.

This is the second eGovernment survey which the eGovernment Department within MITA has conducted. The first one, published in 2010, focused on why online users started using eGovernment services, how they became aware of the service and which means of communication they use to get in touch with Government whilst this second survey focused on gauging users’ satisfaction with the services.

eGovernment has been a key component of Government’s ICT strategy and has been a main driver in implementing change and transformation within the Public Sector. In recent years citizen expectations for online service delivery has increased drastically, with citizens expecting evermore from this new delivery channel.

Major Findings: eGovernment General Survey

  • 86% find eGovernment services helpful
  • 54% use the internet to communicate with Government
  • 55% make use of eGovernment services with 30.5% of them using such services at least once a week
  • major advantages when using eGovernment:
  • 76% - makes mandatory tasks easier to carry out
  • 63% - provides an improved quality of service
  • 54% - delivers cheaper and more efficient services

Major Findings: eGovernment User Satisfaction Survey

  • 50% believe that eGovernment services save them time and the service / website is fast.
  • The most favoured eGovernment services were the ones perceived to:
  • Save the user a lot of time and inconvenience (28%)
  • Save the user money (22%)

The results of such surveys are used by the eGovernment Department to understand better citizen needs and model online services based on the feedback and suggestions gathered. The department aims to achieve more comprehensive services, which offer security, reliability, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and availability to users.

The full survey report can be found here.


Quelle/Source: The Malta Independent Online, 18.08.2011

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