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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A survey on ICT usage among households and individuals revealed that computer and internet access amongst Maltese households rose to 67 per cent and 64 per cent respectively in 2009

The rise has been slow but steady: In 2005, only 46 per cent of homes had internet access.

Different penetration rates were obtained when comparing internet access by household type and household income. In fact, internet access in households rose from 36 per cent for households earning less than €10,000 to 93 per cent for households earning €25,000 or more.

More than half of the individuals aged 16-74 in Malta and Gozo made use of computer and internet. These figures were highest among persons aged between 16 and 24 averaging over 90 per cent for both sexes. Internet usage was also very high for persons with higher achieved levels of education.

The number persons who had accessed the internet during the 3 months prior to this survey comprised 97 per cent of all students as well as 72 per cent of those employed. Amongst those who used the internet in the last 3 months, nearly all individuals accessed the internet at home, while another 35 per cent used it at work.

The use of internet for sending/receiving e-mails was widespread, with an estimated 89 per cent saying that they had used the internet for this purpose.

Nearly 40 per cent of those using internet in the last 3 months said that they used e-government services to obtain information from public authorities' websites. Another 27 per cent said that they used e-government services to download official forms.


Quelle/Source: di-ve, 21.12.2009

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