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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The European Commission’s Benchmarking report on eGovernment services provided by Member States has been published. The report captures the results of the 8th measurement of eServices across Europe. The benchmark was established in 2001 and has become a cornerstone in the eGovernment measurement landscape and a prolific policy-informing tool at both a European and Member State level.

This was announced by Minister Austin Gatt together with MITA Chairman Claudio Grech.

Malta participated in the eGovernment Benchmarking since 2004 and has shown a remarkable progress in its provision of eGovernment Service throughout the years. In 2007, Malta ranked second place in the country ranking for Online Sophistication (96%) and for Fully Online Availability (95%).

The 2009 EU e-Government Benchmarking has shown Malta making an outstanding leap in the delivery of e-Government services. In fact Malta has topped the country ranking in both Online Sophistication and Fully Online Availability by achieving the maximum possible score (100%), making it the best performing country along with Portugal in the EU.

The country report particularly states that, “Malta confirms the steep upward trend in its performance since it has joined the benchmark in 2004. It again moves up a rank and now leads the benchmark, jointly with Portugal. eGovernment services are fully online and achieve the 100% mark also for online sophistication,” confirming the Government’s continuous commitment towards the implementation of the eGovernment programme.


Quelle/Source: The Malta Independent Online, 20.11.2009

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