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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
An annual survey on information communication technology availability and usage showed that more than 98 per cent of enterprises that employ 10 or more full-time equivalents had access to a broadband connection.

The survey, carried out during the first quarter this year, shows that 96 per cent of 10+ enterprises and 65 per cent of micro-enterprises made use of a computer during the period under review.

The vast majority of the 10+ enterprises had internet access. All the ones forming part of the financial sector had access to both a computer and the internet.

The majority of 10+ enterprises had the facility of local area network. Online banking and financial services is used by 81 per cent of the targeted 10+ enterprises which have internet access. Around 32 per cent of enterprises within the same size class offer training courses through the internet.

E-government services are used by 83 per cent of the 10+ enterprises using internet. In fact, obtaining information and downloading forms from government institutions is the online service that enterprises seek the most.

Nearly 70 per cent of 10+ enterprises that use the internet also have the facility of a website or a webpage.

The results of the survey indicate that nearly 14 per cent of online sales and 22 per cent of purchases took place in enterprises employing at least 10 employees.

Nearly 48 per cent of the enterprises within the hotel and accommodation industry received orders either through their website or through other automated data exchange.

Survey results show that 59 per cent of enterprises practising e-commerce indicated that the benefit of e-commerce most valuable to them was lower transaction costs. All 10+ internet users saw product specifications as being the main obstacle to e-commerce.


Quelle/Source: The Malta Independent Online, 13.11.2009

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