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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
MITA, the government's information technology agency, today rolled out a three-year strategic plan with over 80 proposals aimed at ensuring that the Maltese remain among the leaders in the application of information technology in everyday life.

The proposals include plans for a revamp of the government's own systems and a strong emphasis on e-health and smart learning facilities.

The plan was revealed by MITA chairman Claudio Grech, who said that his organisation would spearhead work on the next generation IT network for the government and its entities, and boost the government's data centre.

He said the agency was planning to promote the setting up of a professional body with a self-regulating mechanism which would also prepare a code of conduct for operators in this sector. A national skills alliance would be set up with the private sector to establish e-competence frameworks and list the skills required by the IT industry .

Mr Grech said the e-government system would be overhauled and become more citizen-based.

The main feature of the e-health system would be the facility given to patients to access their own medical records, notably from their GP clinics.

The Smart learning facility would create a single learning environment for students.

IT Minister Austin Gatt said Malta would only succeed in becoming a leading IT society if it had enhanced its structures and worked closely with the private sector.

He announced that the SmartIsland strategy is due to be revised and he underlined the importance having more human resources directed to IT services.

He said the government would be investing heavily in upgrading its core systems.

The government would be applying for an EU grant of €26 million for a state of the art smart learning system.

New, electronic ID cards would start being issued next year.


Quelle/Source: Times of Malta, 03.11.2009

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