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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A new government online customer care system has been launched. It is accessible through

The previous customer care system was launched in 2002 and provided a single point of reference for communicating with various government departments and entities.

Following the development on this new version, a retraining process involving over 200 users within central and local government, entities and corporations was delivered in the past weeks. Since its inception, the customer care system registered an average of 110 requests per day.

The new system built upon the fundamental processes of the former system enhancing it to provide a user-centric based system.

It allows users to request information, comment, offer suggestions or lodge complaints about public services and local/central government.

One can send any type of query without the need to know where or to whom the request needed to be sent . Users would be able to review the history, including the organisation and representative handling their case, and status of their request through the same e-government service.


Quelle/Source: Times of Malta, 04.05.2009

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