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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Investments, Industry and Information Technology Ministry together with the Justice and Home Affairs Ministry and the Gozo Ministry has extended the e-ID registration service to Gozitans. An e-ID registration is free of charge and is now also open in the premises of the Passport Office in St Francis Square, Victoria.

Applicants for an e-ID should visit the e-ID Office in person and are required to take their ID Card with them.

Several e-Government services are available through the portal and more are to be added as the government completes its project of placing all public services online by 2010.

The portal provides security to make sure that users accessing e-Government services may only do so if they have first securely signed-in and thus show that they are who they claim to be.

This is done through an electronic key called the e-ID which may then be used in connection with the e-Government portal The e-ID consists of an e-ID number and a password.

This may then be upgraded by the user to also include a digital certificate which may be used to sign in as well as to sign electronic documents such as private agreements.

The registration for an e-ID requires that the user visits in person, only once, a registration office where an application is made and his or her identity is verified.

Then, a username and password is sent to the person by email and a PIN activation code (similar to the one used for using a bank’s ATM) is sent by normal mail.

The new Gozo office is open Monday to Friday from 7.45 to 11.30am and from 1.30 to 4pm (the office is only open in afternoons between 1 September and 15 June); and on Saturday from 7.30 to 11am.

The office in Malta is at the Passports Office in Valletta at 217, St Paul Street. The office hours in Malta are Monday to Friday from 8am to 2pm, on Wednesday from 8am to 2pm and 3 to 6pm; and on Saturday from 8 to 11am.


Quelle/Source: The Malta Independent Online, 26.02.2008

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