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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Malta has the second most electronic government services among 31 European countries, reported a survey by Capgemini published on Thursday. The study has been conducted annually since 2001, assessing more than 5,000 public agencies in the 27 member states of the European Union as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.

Austria’s egovernment services are top of the league, followed by Malta, Slovenia and Portugal and the United Kingdom.

However, while the availability of egovernment services across the 27 nation bloc rose to 58%, from 50% last year, there is still a 20% gap between the public and private sectors, and a 90 % gulf between the top and bottom of Europe's government league table.

Commenting on the findings, Graham Colclough, Vice President, Global Public Sector, Capgemini said “Modest size and central structures have enabled rapid advancement in a number of the newer member states, but size isn’t everything: we have found there are a number of smaller states, both old and new, that clearly have not embraced egovernment to the same degree as the broad survey results suggest. There are also a number of previously progressive ‘old’ countries whose progress has faltered over recent years”

Mr Colclough continued “Although the results reveal strong evidence of businesses, in particular, being well served by online service; and governments being well advanced in services that bring them revenues; the risk remains of complacency in serving the citizen. This ultimately must remain the focus for all governments in order to build trust with their citizens. European governments must stop a gap opening up between the public and the commercial online worlds, and seek to deliver a new ‘Gov 2.0’ experience; one that attracts and fulfills citizen needs efficiently, consistently, inclusively, and economically – not a simple task I admit!.”

Quelle/Source: MaltaMedia, 21.09.2007

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