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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In its annual report on global competitiveness, the World Economic Forum ranks Malta as the 21st country in the world (of 125 surveyed) that is most technologically ready, up from 30th place the previous year.

A statement from the IT and Investments Ministry said that this fact, along with other assets of the country, has raised Malta’s competitive advantage, increasing its attractiveness as a vibrant economy and a magnet for foreign direct investment. The recognition by the respected World Economic Forum will continue to enhance Malta’s overseas image, supported by this positive and independent testimonial.

The 21st world ranking in technology readiness puts Malta ahead of major competitors such as Spain, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovenia, Hungary, the Slovak Republic, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria.

Malta’s technology ranking relies on the country’s strong performance in various aspects of technology take up and use. Malta’s government has the world’s 12th highest rate of technology usage among all surveyed governments and technology use is also high ranking at 23rd, ahead of Italy, Ireland and Estonia, Cyprus among others.

Other strengths of Malta are the government’s readiness to use technology (23rd world ranking) and an advanced infrastructure environment (21st world ranking).

This is the second international recognition of the results of the government’s work in this sector, that were recognised in June 2006 by the EU commission report that ranked Malta the 2nd EU country in the eGovernment rankings.

The World Economic Forum report on global competitiveness, as well as its specialist report on technology (The Global IT Report 2005-2006) and the weight they attach to results in the ICT sector and the take-up of ICT in the public sector to the overall ranking of competitiveness, confirms the importance of the government’s strategy to invest strongly in these sectors.

For the past six years the government has worked to stimulate awareness and ICT education at all levels of society, the result of which is that Malta is among the most competitive knowledge economies in the world, with massive prospects for growth. This has resulted in the trebling of Internet take-up over this period, with almost half of subscriptions using broadband technology. The widespread use of mobile phones in Malta and the introduction to the Maltese market of 3G technology is bound to increase manifold the use of broadband Internet in our community.

Malta’s eGovernment programme is not only remarkable for its widespread portfolio of services but for the level of sophistication it has reached (the third highest in the EU) which is recognised as world-wide best practice. Over the next few months, the government will roll out a number of new services of an unprecedented level of sophistication that will continue to enhance the efficiency of the public service, the smoothness of the services given to our private sector, and the reliability, security and swiftness of all public services.

Malta remains relatively weak in its world rankings for take-up of technologies by our business community (Business Readiness ranking 72nd). The current effort to promote the take up of e-Business with local SMEs, as well as the benefits and reliability of e-Commerce with Maltese consumers, are bound to improve the readiness of Malta’s small businesses to use technology to sharpen their technological edge.

Investors setting up business in Malta do not only conduct transactions with the Government but also with local small businesses who supply them with products and services they need. The use of technology in local business will improve Malta’s attractiveness to international investment flows.

Minister Austin Gatt expressed his satisfaction at the WEF results and Malta’s improved world ranking in this sector. “Our success did not fall spontaneously like rain from an unclouded sky. We worked hard and we are passing test after international test that recognises our achievements as a country and as a people. The years ahead will be of even greater challenge. We must not only keep our high-ranking but also improve on it, as others try to overtake us. I had full confidence in Malta’s prospects when we first started this project five years ago. Today, I have ever more reason to be confident.”

Quelle/Source: The Malta Independent Online, 30.09.2009

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