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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Warden tickets and fines may be paid online. In its mission to provide a number of electronic services to the public, as part of the e-Government Programme, the Ministry for Justice and Local Government launched the Local Enforcement System website. The latter, which could be easily accessed from the government portal contains information on the Local Tribunals and Local Councils. The Local Enforcement System (LES) not only allows the public to pay fines from the comfort of their home, or their work place, but also if they decide to contest the charge, they can check when the tribunal sitting will be held. This website also allows visitors to find out how many people will attend the same sitting, as well as ascertain what the minimum and maximum fines are.

The new payment gateway on the website makes it easy to pay outstanding contraventions online. The web site also includes a search facility and a Contact Us page, available in English and Maltese.

Users can log on to and click on “Law and Order”, and under the section marked “General”, click on Local Enforcement System.

For Warden tickets, one has to enter the Contravention reference number in the Contravention number field. For Police tickets, the user has to enter the ticket number in the Police Ticket reference Field and the Vehicle Registration in the Vehicle Registration number Field. Once the correct information is entered, the “Search Now” button has to be pressed to display the relevant information or one has to press the Reset Button to clear details and start again.

e-Government Media Officer, Gabriella Briffa Darmanin said: “The new online services are free of charge and one of the benefits of the electronic system is having 24 hour access to government transactions and services. Apart from improving efficiency, e-Government Programme is also helping in streamlining the Public services.”

With e-Government, the public has access to a range of public services via the Internet from the comfort of home, office, as well as from a computer at the Local Councils. The public is able to avail itself much easier of this new service rather than visiting Government departments or wait for a public service.

Quelle: di-ve

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