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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The digital twin from E8ight will support smart city services and simulations for the relocation of Indonesian capital city from Jakarta to Nusantara.

The Indonesian government has announced the start of its new capital relocation to Nusantara in the province of East Kalimantan from Jakarta, on the island of Java.

Conceived as a “green and smart global city”, the first phase of the capital’s construction will begin in the second quarter of this year, according to the Nusantara National Capital Authority (NNCA), a cabinet level-agency formed by the Indonesian government, working directly under the president of Indonesia. The development plan is expected to peak in 2024 through building a government complex, public infrastructure, and more in the fifth phase.

Indonesian mega projects

In March this year, the Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport led a private joint consortium – “One Team Korea” to secure orders for Indonesian mega projects.

Among industry players, smart city digital twin service provider E8ight proposed to establish and operate a city based on digital twin technology to the Korea-Indonesia New City Cooperation Forum, a cooperation agreement.

E8ight is currently the lead digital twin navigator in Sejong smart city and Busan Eco Delta smart city, Korea’s first national pilot city project.

E8ight’s proposal of a digital twin environment that supports smart city services and simulations for the relocation of the Indonesian capital city in more detail is as follows:

  • Digital 3D spatial Information in urban development phase

    Smart city digital twin can be applied from the beginning of the urban development stage. It can implement spatial information on a full 3D basis through the city’s 3D geographic information system (GIS) applied with building information modelling. In this regard, the factors necessary for urban design, construction, and operation can be present in the same way as reality. Also, simulations such as construction and maintenance can be conducted to predict issues that may occur in real-time and be used as a guide to establish related policies.

  • Simulation to reduce traffic congestion

    According to Indonesia’s National Development Planning Agency, annual economic loss due to traffic congestion is nearly USD $4.7bn. To help prevent this in the new capital relocation, simulations can be performed by capturing traffic situations in a digital twin framework.

  • Natural disaster simulation to counter climate change

    Nusantara plans for a ”sustainable, forest city” as a means of solving climate change problems. Three-quarters of the area is designated to be total carbon neutral green space to help maintain environmental balance.

“Digital twin is a key technology that enables a smart city to function by gathering and connecting city’s data and services. It is important to provide a smart city platform environment where citizens can directly share data and collaborate with the city along with public and private companies to make ESG [environmental, social and corporate governance] commitments,” said Jin Kim, CEO of E8ight.

Market research and consulting company Grand View Research reports that Indonesian smart city market size in 2020 was around USD $9.8bn with a forecast compound annual growth rate of 19.7 per cent through to 2028.


Quelle/Source: Smart Cities World, 13.06.2023

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