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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

An announcement made by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO) highlighted the need for all ministries and agencies to build a Government Integrated Data Centre (GIDC) for Indonesia to be a Smart nation.

Directorate General of Informatics Applications Ministry of Communications and Informatics has prepared several schemes of e-government infrastructure implementation in Indonesia.

Representing the Director General of Aptika, Andi Hasdullah, the Head of Communications, Statistics and Communications of South Sulawesi Province, stated that the key spirit towards being a Smart Nation is having the extraordinary power to make this nation as one big nation.

He said this during the Infrastructure e-Government National workshop at the Hotel Four Points Sheraton, Makassar, on Thursday, 24 May 2018.

"The Ministry of Communications and Informatics invites government IT officials to discuss strategic national policy developments through the administration of an electronic-based government," he said.

Provincial, district and city government agencies are encouraged by the KOMINFO to build a GIDC scheme to achieve being a Smart nation.

Cooperation for all is important in order for the eGovernment infrastructure to be successful in achieving its objectives of effectiveness and efficiency.

"I believe that coming from different sectors, we all have a role and a contribution in creating an electronic-based government. Therefore, each party should play its strategic role for the consolidation of eGovernment Indonesia," he said.

The Government does not object to government institutions having their own Data Centres. However, implementing an integrated eGovernment infrastructure with the use of cloud computing will be more efficient, according to the Head of Technology and Infrastructure Division of e-Government Technology, Sub Directorate of e-Government Directorate General of Aptika, Bambang Dwi Anggono.

"What is being done in the business world should be adopted by the government of Indonesia. We must start moving away from being silos and instead be committed founders of the nation as the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI),” he said.

The KOMINFO plans to streamline the policy of issuing the Certificate of Comprehension on Electronic Systems. This is in accordance with the mandate of the ITE and the PP Regulations on the Implementation of the Electronic Transaction System. It also includes the certificate of eligibility for the Data Centre.

Moreover, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics will accelerate the issuance of regulations for the Data Centre.

"We have identified that the total number of Data Centres or server rooms of 615 Ministries, Institutions and Local Governments is still around 4,000 to 5,000 units. This is because the local administrations still manage server rooms for their respective sectors," he explained.

Committee Chairman Jusuf A. Simatupang stated that the objective of the workshop was to have a common understanding and commitment, from all, to consolidate eGovernment infrastructure on a national scale.

"In turn, it can serve as a basis for future formulation of national policies, particularly in the infrastructure sub-sector of eGovernment," he added.

Mr Jusuf Simatupang explained that an agreement on the design and the development of the consolidated GIDC is the expected outcome of the discussions done during the workshop.

Data collection was also carried out during the workshop, which involved policy makers, Information Technology managers from government agencies as well as experts in Information and Communication Technology infrastructures and eGovernment.

The workshop was attended by 200 participants. 80 of which were technical workshop participants while 120 were local government infrastructure workshop participants.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Teresa Umali

Quelle/Source: OpenGov Asia, 30.05.2018

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