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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has collaborated with Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, to introduce the first post-graduate e-Government program in Asia Pacific.

The e-government program is developed specifically to enable professionals to learn, develop and manage e-government initiatives such as the transformation of digital services and the online form of public engagement.

Dr. Eko Prasojo, Professor at Universitas Indonesia, said this partnership reaffirms the commitment of the Indonesian government to improve the capability of information technology in Indonesia.

"The Indonesian government has made information technology a priority, because it is able to change the form of interaction between citizens and the government," said Professor Prasojo, in his press conference, Friday (22/09/2017).

In the cooperation agreement, about 20 Indonesian students, especially those serving as civil servants, will begin study at the University of Indonesia in 2018.

They will arrive in Victoria in 2019 for a one-year study before returning to Indonesia in the late trimester.

Professor Prasojo, further disclosed that Victoria University was chosen for its expertise in e-Government. Victoria University is also recently ranked 219th by 2018 QS World University, with a significant rise in ratings over previous years.

Evan Berman, Professor of Public Management at School of Government, Victoria University, said the university's expertise in this field, coupled with its international rankings, is a major factor attracting prospective Indonesian students.

"This partnership is a great opportunity for Victoria University to encourage closer relationships with leading Indonesian universities in both teaching and research," Berman said.

This partnership also opens further collaboration opportunities and the renewal of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 2013 between Victoria University and Lembaga Dana Pendidikan Indonesia. The MoU sets out a framework for educational cooperation opportunities such as student exchanges and student scholarships.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Vito Adhityahadi, Turkhan Akhyar, Lince Eppang

Quelle/Source: Netralnews, 22.09.2017

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