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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Asman Abnur said that Bojonegoro District can be an example of development for its e-government implementation.

“I would like to express my appreciation to Kang Yoto [Bojonegoro Regent Suyoto’s nickname],” he said Wednesday after the Transparent Government Festival in Bojonegoro. A number of East Java government officials also attended the event.

Asman said that the idea of adopting e-government came after Regent Suyoto met Bojonegoro residents and later saw drought impacted paddy fields, floodings and inundated villages. He then came out with the idea of setting up a quick information system method.

Asmar said that e-government system has helped the Regent in monitoring issues faced by Bojonegoro District, such as poverty and farm productivity.

Meanwhile, Bojonegoro Regent Suyoto said that open government partnership (OGP) has been implemented in 430 villages across the region.

People can access information about village budget and its utilization, development plan, social programs and more via blogs and village website as well as banners, flyers, booklets, etc. “Villagers must be involved,” Suyoto said.

Bojonegoro District has been named a pilot project to open government partnership (OGP), edging out its competitors Jakarta Province and Banda Aceh in early April. Bojonegoro has also been named a pilot project to regional government in Asia, joining 15 other cities across the globe, which also participate in the program, such as Seoul in South Korea and Tbilisi in Georgia.


Quelle/Source:, 20.10.2016

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