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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Agencies have not used existing shared services to their full capacity, resulting in wasteful expenditure.

The Indonesian government will regulate to push all ministries and agencies next year to use shared services, the Ministry of Bureaucratic Reform has exclusively told FutureGov.

The government is working on regulations to “push every single ministry and agency to use … [a] single system”, Rini Widyantini, Deputy Minister for Institutional Affairs told FutureGov.

The Indonesian government’s ICT spending reached IDR 14 trillion (US$1.2 billion) in 2013. The Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform has said that the high IT costs were driven by ministries using many different kinds of systems.

Although the Ministry of ICT (KOMINFO) has already developed a shared service, agencies have used only 30 per cent of its capacity, she said. Widyantini believes that with a single system for services across ministries, “we can avoid the inefficient spending of our budget”.

KOMINFO has already started building infrastructure for these shared services, which will include an electronic office, budget, procurement, human resources and administration systems. They will be implemented from next year.

This move is part of an e-government plan which will see future changes in how the government interacts with businesses and citizens, including a national single window for businesses, Widyantini said.

Indonesia met with the South Korean government last week to continue work on an e-government agreement signed last year. Korea will train officials on e-government, but the details of the exchange have not yet been decided, she said.

The government has identified six areas of focus for the partnership with Korea - cybersecurity, internet, bus service, government data centre, business permit system and citizen services. However, it will be “impossible” to progress on these unless ministries start using shared services, Widyantini concluded.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Medha Basu

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 28.11.2014

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