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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As Pekalongan, Indonesia, nears the completion of its e-government plan, it is now focused on training citizens and officials to use online services, Dr Mohamad Basyir Ahmad, the city’s Mayor, told FutureGov.

“We can build networks, applications and data centres, but we must also prepare human resources in the government and society so that they can access the services.” he said.

By 2015, his city will have finished installing the underlying infrastructure and applications for e-government, he said, but the next step will be ensuring that citizens understand how to use them.

Even elementary schools will introduce IT education in their curricula and will also use e-learning. , he said, adding: “We have to make sure that everybody is using e-government services.”

The Pekalongan government has installed public internet access in 230 out of 330 village centres, and will introduce more community internet centres within each village in the future. The Mayor wants to ensure that “everybody knows [how to use] the internet, how they can participate [in government] and how they can use e-services”, especially those related to health.

The city has set up a Broadband Learning Centre where every year around 4000 citizens and government officials receive free IT training, in partnership with the state telecommunications agency.

Ahmad wants to ensure that the e-government project is sustained even when the leadership changes. He has formed an IT council involving civil servants and community members, including journalists, academicians and teachers. The council will keep a check on the government to ensure that it is “maintaining the momentum” of government modernisation. It also provides policy recommendations to the Mayor and helps build IT skills in the society.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Medha Basu

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 08.08.2014

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