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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Geospatial Information Agency, formerly known as the National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping or BAKOSURTANAL, launched an interactive map called “Ina-GeoPortal” which aims to assist public sector organisations in their disaster mitigation and environmental conservation efforts.

The Ina-GeoPortal will give government agencies and the general public real time access to authoritative spatial information on areas that are prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods.

According to a report from the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Indonesia is vulnerable to natural disasters such as tsunami, landslide, earthquake and flood. Out of the 4408 natural disasters that have occurred over the past years in Indonesia around 70 have been caused by earthquakes, two by tsunami, 24 by volcanic eruptions, and 470 have been brought about by landslide events.

With the Ina-GeoPortal in place, first responders and decision makers in government agencies will be able to plan, organise and coordinate emergency response activities in an integrated manger. The information available in the portal will heighten their overall situational awareness enabling them to arrive at well informed decisions during such critical times.

The portal uses the same system as Google maps but has more accurate coordinates and content which is provided by various government agencies. In addition, it can be linked to the US Geological Survey so that users can view historical data on earthquakes that occurred in Indonesia.

Ina-GeoPortal is part of Indonesia’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure. It was introduced in 2011 as tool that would help disseminate geospatial information between agencies to reduce duplication, improve data quality and save production costs.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Clarice Africa

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 31.07.2012

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