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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Pursuant to the "Emergency Ordinance on the service providers'' freedom to establish and provide services in Romania", the points of single contact called for by the EU "Services Directive" will be operational by 28 November 2009 in Romania.

Through the points of single contact (here-after "ePCU"), service providers from the EU Member States will be able to easily complete, from a distance and by electronic means, the necessary procedures and formalities for accessing and exercising service activities in Romania. The ePCU will form part of the National Electronic System (SEN), the infrastructure of the national eGovernment portal

Moreover, via the ePCU, the providers and recipients of services alike will have direct online access to:

  • the requirements applicable to providers established in Romania, in particular those requirements concerning the procedures and formalities to be completed in order to access and to exercise service activities;
  • the contact details of the competent authorities;
  • the conditions for accessing public registers and databases on providers and services;
  • the means of redress generally available in the event of disputes;
  • the contact information of organizations and associations from which both service providers or recipients may obtain practical assistance.

Under the Ordinance, the Agency for Information Society Services (ASSI) will be the authority responsible for the ePCU''s development, operation and administration.

The competent authorities will be responsible for the information and documents collected, transmitted and processed electronically through the PCU. They have an obligation to register in the ePCU within 30 days from the date the system becomes functional.

Background information:

The Emergency Ordinance no. 49/2009 was published in the Official Gazette of Romania on 1 June 2009. It sets out the framework for the transposition into Romanian law of the EU Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market (the so-called "Services Directive") whose aim is to achieve a genuine Internal Market in services by removing legal and administrative barriers to the development of service activities between Member States.

The EU Member States have 28 December 2009 as a deadline for transposing this Directive into national law.


Quelle/Source: ePractice, 09.06.2009

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