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Monday, 17.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Pasay City makes history as it announced the development of Pasay Eco City, the first truly sustainable eco city in the Philippines.

“We have established, among other things, our grand vision that integrates economic prowess with being environmentally sound and sustainable—Pasay City as the first ever Eco City in the country,” proclaimed Pasay Mayor Emi Calixto-Rubiano.

“We have always been forward-thinkers, with foresight that is truly enhanced by a vision of smart sustainability, especially as we reimagine tomorrow’s enterprise,” the Mayor added.

The Pasay Eco City, a joint project of the Pasay City government and its private sector partners, is a principal piece of Mayor Calixto-Rubiano’s vision of transforming Pasay City into a more sustainable and globally-competitive metropolis for Pasayeños.

Being one of the smallest cities in Metro Manila and among the top three in high population density according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Pasay City will benefit from the 625 hectares of space to be created by the coastal development project.

To ensure the sustainable development and global competitiveness of Pasay Eco City, the local government and its private partners collaborated with world class urban master planning experts Arup and Aecom, and internationally acclaimed expert contractors such as Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. and Royal Haskoning DHV.

The Pasay 265 project prioritizes the establishment of ecologically-beneficial public spaces in its seven districts: Gateway, Channel East, Channel West, Central Park, North Dock, South Shore, and West Wharf.

The North Shore offers a stunning view of Old Manila, Manila South Harbor, North Harbor and Roxas Boulevard and provides a space for the public to socialize, relax, and enjoy the view of Manila Bay’s sunset.

Meanwhile, Pasay 360 will be a world-class and first ever smart city that is environmentally and sustainably friendly, climate resilient and future-proof designed to harness growth and investment in the whole South East Asian region – minimizing its carbon footprint while maximizing its natural resources. It will house brand new international business districts, world class innovation hubs, and ecologically friendly and modern green city for all.

The development of walking spaces and better transport are also priorities, as part of Mayor Calixto-Rubiano’s 15-minute city concept, in which necessities and services can be easily reached by a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point in the city.

Furthermore, the world-class Integrated Monorail System project, a Pasay City government project in collaboration with the Department of Transportation (DOTr), ensures that locals and visitors alike will have access to what Pasay City has to offer. Once completed, this project will be at par with Singapore’s Sentosa Express, Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Monorail, and Japan’s Okinawa Urban Monorail.

“This vision of a smart and sustainable future cannot be a one-city journey. This is why a multi-sectoral approach, involving both public and private institutions, would prove to be instrumental for an all-encompassing growth for each Filipino — in the economy, education, infrastructure, and in our daily lives,” the Pasay Mayor said.


Quelle/Source: Journal Online, 16.05.2024

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