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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Project has been allocated some $80 million to contribute to Jamaica's e-readiness and the development of the sector, in order to increase competitiveness, diversify exports and expand productive employment.

This is contained in the 2006/2007 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives. The project, which is being implemented by the Government of Jamaica, will also promote enhanced efficiency and access, thereby reducing transaction costs and increasing ICT use in the private/public sectors and civil society.

Started in April 2003 the project is slated to end by March of 2008. The four components include: strengthening of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Science, Technology and Energy; e-Government; Community Outreach and Human Capital Development.

A number of achievements have been made up to February of this year, including the recruitment of a Project Manger and other personnel; acquisition of equipment and supplies for Project Execution Unit (PEU); the launch and implementation of e-government tax portal; completion of a baseline survey and presented findings; development and launch of an e-government website; acquisition of Trade Board Information System (TBIS); hardware and software for e-government, as well as the completion of a public key Infrastructure document, and posters and brochures, which have been distributed to revenue offices and government agencies.

Within this fiscal year, it is anticipated that there will be ICT training for Ministry staff and related agencies. The year is also expected to see the beginning of the strengthening process of the Central Information Technology Office (CITO); the initiation of phase two of the online tax collection drive; the set up of a Community Access Point Implementing Institution (CAPII) Board to complete operations manual, as well as the implementation of the Trade Board as a certification authority.

Other anticipated targets include the acquisition of equipment for Public Key Infrastructure; delivery of online help facilities to support e-government online services and training of Legislators and members of the Judiciary.

The project, which was initially estimated to cost some $1.3 billion and was later revised to a total cost of $1.5 billion, is funded by the Jamaican Government and the Inter American Development Bank (IADB).

Quelle: Government of Jamaica, Jamaica Information Service, 15.04.2006

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