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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In a bid to improve and expedite public sector services, a call centre was launched Sunday to receive complaints and suggestions regarding the performance of public entities.

The centre, which is directly connected with liaison officers at the country's 130 ministries and public entities, enables citizens and non-Jordanians living in the Kingdom to lodge complaints and comment on any services provided by public entities.

Those who have any complaints or suggestions regarding public agencies may now dial up the National Call Centre (NCC) at 06 5008080 from 8:00am until 3:00pm Sunday-Thursday, and specialised teams will register the complaint or the suggestion, Minister of Public Sector Development and Minister of State for Mega-Projects Imad Fakhoury said at the launch of the service.

“If a citizen has a complaint regarding a certain public entity, the NCC will record all necessary information and send the complaint to the concerned entity to take action as needed,” the minister said.

Each complaint will be assigned a number, which will be sent via SMS to whomever filed it so that they can call the NCC to check on the progress of the concerned agency in addressing it.

Once the complaint is addressed, the person who lodged the complaint will receive an SMS informing them that the issue was resolved.

Under the new system, once a public entity receives a complaint it has one week to respond, specify the steps it will take to address the issue and give a time frame for its resolution, a process demonstrated at yesterday’s launch ceremony.

The system was launched by the Ministry of Public Sector Development in partnership with the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, the Ombudsman Bureau, the Audit Bureau, the Anti-Corruption Commission and the King Abdullah II Centre for Excellence.

A memorandum of understanding was signed yesterday between the partners of the project to support the implementation of the system.

Currently, complaints and suggestions can only be filed in Arabic, but after a month, the service will also be available in English, Minister of Information and Communications Technology Marwan Juma said, adding that in the future, people will be able to access the service via the Internet and SMS.

Fakhoury stressed that the centre will follow up on the progress made in addressing complaints, and that concerned entities that do not respond will be held accountable.

Juma said the system will enable the government to receive feedback and identify points of weakness or loopholes in the system, which will help it implement the e-government programme.

In remarks to the press, Fakhoury noted: “The system is just another channel that enables people to lodge suggestions and complaints and it will not replace existing entities in charge of that.”

Training was provided to all liaison officers at the concerned public entities, he added.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Mohammad Ghazal

Quelle/Source: The Jordan Times, 12.04.2010

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