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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The first phase of the digitalisation project of the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) was launched at the NMRA recently.

Minister of Health Rajitha Senaratne was the chief guest.

The project was initiated in partnership with the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka. Epic Technology Group was the service provider. The new system – a pioneering transformational e-government solution, will enable the NMRA’s divisions to bring down processing time significantly.

The initiative came with the review of the current system as being inefficient by the NMRA team headed by the Chairman of NMRA Prof. Asita de Silva and CEO/DG Dr. Kamal Jayasinghe with the support of Shriyananda Rathnayake, Program Manager of ICTA. The new System is based on Epic Technology Group’s DoxPro Enterprise Content Management Platform, which aims to lower the cost of operations and save thousands of labour hours spent annually on the regulatory process, and thereby enable the NMRA to achieve regulatory excellence through its end to end Information-as-a-service model.

Executive Chairman of Epic Technology Group, Dr. Nayana Dehigama said the Group was honoured to have been awarded the project and for the opportunity to work alongside the NMRA and ICTA.

“As a local leader in technology, it is our responsibility to contribute to enhancing and upgrading such systems that will benefit the general public,” he said.

The Chairman of NMRA describing the current manual systems as “archaic and inefficient”, said the Medicines Regulator expects Epic’s DoxPro ‘end-to-end Information-as-a-service’ model would “exponentially lower the cost of operations, save thousands of labour hours annually spent on regulatory process and help the NMRA achieve regulatory excellence”.

NMRA is the institution in which the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka has vested the authority to ensure that pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and borderline products available to the public meet the requisite standards of quality and are within the legislative framework on the production, marketing and dispensing of these items.


Quelle/Source: Sunday Observer, 20.01.2019

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