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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
‘Sri Lanka’s Ease of Doing Business Rank could be further upgraded as the United Nations have notably elevated the country’s e-Government Development Index Rank, Reshan Devapura, CEO, Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka told the media at the Arcade, Colombo, on Thursday.

"The United nations e-Government Development Index (UN eGDI) has advanced Sri Lanka to 74th rank among 193 countries, from its previous 115th rank, within just two years.

India ranks 118th in the e-Government Development index— 44 places behind Sri Lanka."

"The UN eGDI monitors the way countries of the world use ICT for providing citizen services. Sri Lanka has made a huge improvement in this aspect."

"According to the 2012 UN report, we were in the 115th place, and their latest report indicates that Sri Lanka has advanced by 41 places in two years, which is a remarkable achievement. This would accrue many benefits to the country," Devapura added. v Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said,"The UN has recognized that the government has been able to improve the information-flow required for effective citizenship services in the country. We will continue to empower all sectors by creating even more citizen-friendly information services."

Re-engineering Government Programme Director Wasantha Deshapriya said,"The provision of public services through Internet and the mobile phone should be extended more widely. A systematic programme will be prepared in the future under the SMART SRI LANKA initiative," he emphasized.

According to the report, this time Sri Lanka has reached first place in South Asia as the country that uses best ICT practices for providing public services.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Reshan Devapura

Quelle/Source: The Island, 18.07.2014

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