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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Obasanjo administration believes so much in the use of e-Government tools as a means to deliver on the social development programmes, the Chief Economic Adviser to the President, Prof. Ode Ojowu has said.

And towards the successful take-off of the e-Government initiative of the National e-Government Stategies (NeGSt) Limited, the partners met last week to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and to admit new members. At the National e-Government Strategies Allicance Partners Consultative Forum (NAPCOF) in Lagos, Ojowu, "the present administration recognises e-Government as a means to deliver on the socio-economic development priorities such as health; education; agriculture; rural development; employment generation; strong 'outcome driven' monitoring of Government projects/progtrammes; and efficiency and transparency.

"it therefore goes without saying that all Government services should be accessible to the common man in his locality, througout his life through a one-stop integrated service delivery that ensures efficiency, transparency and reliability at affordable costs to meet the basic nneeds of the common man."

Ojowu said the National Planning Commission, of which he is CEO has resolved to work closely and coordinate the activities of stakeholders inculding, NITDA, NeGSt and NAPCOF to provide appropriate ICT solutions that will drive the implementation of the Government reforms as encapsulated in the NEEDS document.

He pointed out that the implementation of e-government entails collaborative efforts between the public and the private sectors adding that government is looking forward towards NAPCOF providing appropriate ICT solutions that will deliver services effectively and efficiently to the citizens as they roll out their products.

The e-Government, he explained, is not just about 'E' but governance, not about computers, but about citizens, and not about translating processes but about transforming processes.

Earlier in his address, the Managing Director of NeGSt, Dr. Felix Obada had told the Forum that e-Government is so massive and that it is not a project one or two companies could execute. He said the number of NAPCOF members is still few and sounded a note of warning that results are not going to come easy as it would take many years of hardwork to get to where NeGSt would be able to say success has been achieved.

Although the number is still few, Obada also ruled out opening the door for every Dick, Tom and Harry as he said, "it is not an all comers game. If we make it that, you will bog yourself down."

And for those who were already part of the Forum, a MOU was signed with 40 companies although the ceremony could only actually signing by five companies on the spot. The others would be signed at the NeGSt office at the convenience of both members. Those admitted at the Forum include Damuloy Nigeria Limited, Kemson Concept, Accelon, CIT Limited and STI Consulting.

Others are Supercards, Intermac Consulting, Cards Centre and Paymaster Systems.

The e-Government project was inaugurated by the President, Olusegun Oba-sanjo, on March 8, 2004.

Autor: Tayo Ajakaye

Quelle: AllAfrica, 28.04.2005

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