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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has successfully trained the ‘Batch A’ delegates of the Digital Transformation Technical Working Groups (DT-TWGs).

The trainees were drawn from some Federal Public Institutions (FPIs) to drive the digital transformation agenda in the public sector and digital economy at large.

Director General of NITDA, Mallam Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi, who was represented by the Director, eGovernment Development and Regulation at NITDA, Dr. Vincent Olatunji, stated that part of the requirement for the implementation of the National Digital Economy Strategy is to have skilled man power to be able to deliver on the strategies embedded in the plan.

“What we have done in the past five days is like building a foundation and we are the foundation that we have built for our different MDAs,” said the DG.

He made this known in Abuja during the closing ceremony of training for the first batch of digital economy champions, out of four batches.

Mall. Abdullahi, disclosed that NITDA is part of the group that developed the National Virtual Meeting Policy for the public service.

The policy, he said, will soon be launched by Office of the Head of Service of the federation (OHSF); and that will again deploy human capital development infrastructure in MDAs.

“This is why government is working hard by developing these policies so that public servants from anywhere can work effectively, give approvals, write memos and many more which is the only way we can really move forward in actualising the digital transformation of the public sector,” said the NITDA boss.

According to Abdullahi, government policies are to be driven first by civil servants before the private sector follows suit, through investing in infrastructure and creating jobs.

He stated that NITDA, in collaboration with KOICA, drew up the National eGovernment Masterplan and part of the requirement for the implementation of the masterplan was to create the DT-TWG.


Quelle/Source: PR Nigeria, 04.10.2020

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