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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

To drive the implementation of its National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS), the federal government has inaugurated Digital Transformation Technical Working Groups (DT-TWGS) of Federal Public Institutions (FPIS)- phase 1, Thursday.

Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami at the inauguration stated that, “In today’s digital economy era, governments must treat digital as an integral part of governance in order to succeed and compete globally.

“Without appropriate digital governance, it becomes difficult for digital investments and implementation to meet strategic objectives and expectations,” he said.

He added that, “At a minimum, the DT-TWG will be an instrument to the implementation of four pillars in NDEPS. The pillars are Developmental Regulations, Service Infrastructure, Soft Infrastructure and Indigenous Content Promotion and Adoption.”

On developmental Regulation, DT-TWG will be required to ensure all ICT and digital technologies related polices and regulations are adhered to by their organizations in a manner that enables national development.

“Service and Soft Infrastructure are critical to achieving appropriate deployment of Government Digital Services (GDS) and to strengthen public confidence in the use of digital technologies and services. DT-TWGs are to support the federal government to develop citizens’ friendly digital mechanisms in support of service innovations and digital transformation for digital Nigeria.

DT-TWGs are required to give preference to indigenous digital solutions while making IT decisions in their respective organisations in line with Executive Orders 003 and 005 of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, and in support of indigenous content promotion and adoptionas stated in the NDEPS.

Director-General National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) Mallam Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi stated that, “NITDA is taking strategic steps to implement the Nigeria e-Government Master Plan (NeGMP) and National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) documents to the latter in order to ensure Federal Public Institutions (FPIs) are properly guided and protected against pitfalls while implementing digital initiatives; ensure the persistent rate of IT failures are drastically reduced; government businesses and digital technologies are properly aligned for the acceleration of digital transformation in Nigeria.”


Quelle/Source: Blueprint, 27.08.2020

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