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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa of Delta State make history recently as perhaps the first and only state governor in the federal republic of Nigeria to acquire the e-Government certification.

In line with Global standards, 21st-century leadership and governance is incomplete, inadequate and indeed unproductive without digital proficiency in e--Government process certification.

Global assumptions on the emerging information society (IS), point to the fact that the ICT Policy and e-Government Domain will be the main battle field for 21st Century globalization, democratic government and national survivability.

This "paradigm shift" makes the education of future leaders is of high priority and a strategic imperative for all nations - as we approach the critical path of the 21st century.

This e-Government Leadership Certificate Program for the Political Class is designed to assist policy and decision makers achieve a dynamic and positive solution to crisis-prone challenges in governance.

According to UNESCO, 'Government' refers to the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the management of a country's affairs, including the articulation of citizens' interests and the exercise of their legal rights and obligations. (CAFRAD, and UNESCO).

e-Government Certificate Training at Delta State Innovation Hub is a facility for world class e-Government certification training.

In order to accelerate the speedy access and diffusion of the benefits of the knowledge economy, it has become critical for both Federal and State governments - through the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) - to make e-Government Certification process mandatory for all current and intending policy makers, civil servants in MDAs and others.

According to Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, governor of Delta State "in driving the State's economy, we are developing an innovation and science agenda as a key component in bridging the huge gaps and deficiencies in our education, health, industry, entertainment, governance, social and state security systems. The State aims to achieve this through a Private-Public-Partnership model strategy on innovation development. In this regards, we have resolved to partner with Mobile Software Solutions Limited, a renowned content solutions provider in the Information and Communications Technology industry and the winner of World Summit Award 2014 for Africa Best Mobile Content Developer in the Life-Style and Entertainment category.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Bankole Orija

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 16.09.2016

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